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Factory Authorized Manuals

  • You can conveniently purchase a viewing subscription for factory authorized Nissan Service Manuals for 1989 model year and newer vehicles. These manuals provide detailed service and repair information for Nissan vehicles.
  • Completely up to date, and full of easy to follow diagrams and procedures, these manuals are the same ones used by the professionals at your Nissan dealership.
  • Support hours for this site are Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm, EST. We will respond to your email within 24 hours, during normal weekday hours.
  • We provide support for products found on this website, but do not provide diagnostic technical support. For diagnostic technical support, please contact one of the commercially available diagnostic support companies such as IDENTIFIX.
  • If the service publication you are looking for is not listed, please submit the details of your request by clicking on the “Support” icon at the bottom of the page.

Frequently Asked Questions


We want you to be completely satisfied with the Publications we supply.


We will replace any product found to be defective based on workmanship or materials, provided we are notified within 90 days of product delivery. You must have the original packing slip to obtain advance authorization for the return. The authorization can be obtained by emailing our customer service desk.

Alternatively, you may fax your inquiry to the Nissan Service Desk at (586) 307-3694.


Diagnostic Software, ECU Reflash/Reprogramming Files, Instructor Training Guides and On-line Viewing Subscriptions are non-refundable purchases.

Security Professional purchases
Professional purchases are non-refundable

Dealer Info

This information applies to Authorized Nissan Dealers in the United States only.


As an authorized Nissan Dealer you may elect to have your order billed to your Dealership. If you elect to have your order billed this way, you will normally see the billing in the Dealer Billing Cycle for the month following your purchase. Occasionally, it will be the second month following your purchase before the line item appears on your Dealer Billing Invoice. Alternatively, you may choose to pay by credit card. If you have any questions, please send us an email:

Where can I view Nissan Publications?

The Nissan Publications website provides access to documents via online viewing and is located at

How can I view Owners Manuals from this website?

Nissan Owners Manuals can be viewed online in .pdf document format for model years 1996 to the present. This is a FREE service provided by Nissan Publications. Printed versions of the Owners Manuals are not available from this website. If your vehicle is less than 3 years old you may obtain a replacement Owners Manual from Nissan Consumer Affairs at 1-800-662-6200 between the hours of 9:00 am and 6:00 pm , EST, Monday through Friday. If your vehicle is an earlier model a replacement Owners Manual can be obtained from IMS at 1-800-247-5321, Monday through Friday between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm EST.

How can I view Service Manuals from this website?

Factory authorized Nissan Service Manuals are available for viewing as part of an online subscription.

Where can I find more information about my Vehicle Navigation System?

As with Nissan Owners Manuals, select Vehicle Navigation System Manuals are available for online viewing FREE to our website visitors. This publication covers Navigation System operation, features, and troubleshooting.

What benefits do I receive from FREE Registration?

By registering for a FREE account, you enable the automatic tracking of your order and delivery details, order history, and receipts each time you log in to our site with your chosen User ID and Password. By providing your email address, you allow us to keep you informed of special promotions and assist you with a lost password or other account questions.

What benefits do I receive by purchasing an Online Viewing Subscription?

Purchasing an Online Viewing Subscription provides you with access to our extensive online library of Nissan publications, including Service Manuals and Technical Service Bulletins. This allows you to view unlimited publications (as Adobe .pdf documents) for the duration of your subscription.

How does use my personal information collected during the registration/checkout process?

Nissan Publications respects your right to privacy - we will not sell or rent any information collected on this website to outside parties. All information you provide is kept in the strictest confidence and is used only to track your account activity on our website and process your order.

How can I locate a Technical Service Bulletin for my Nissan vehicle?

Visit the Nissan TSBs section by selecting that link from the Publications navigation menu at the top of each page of this website. Select your vehicle model/year from the list, and continue selecting items from the list, until you have located your particular area of concern.The resulting page will provide a brief excerpt from the full Technical Service Bulletin for that item. If you have a valid Online Viewing Subscription, you will also be presented with a link to the full TSB as a .pdf document, if available.

What address should I use to mail correspondance, payments or returns?

Please contact the Customer Service desk via email or telephone before returning product.

Mailing address for correspondence is:
Service Technical Publications c/o Tweddle Litho Company
24700 Maplehurst Drive
Clinton Township
Michigan 48036
Attention Nissan Service Desk.

DEALERS: Why don't I have Dealer Billing as a payment option for processing my order?

Purchasing an Online Viewing Subscription requires Credit Card billing, and will disable the Dealer Billing payment option. If multiple items are in your Shopping Cart, and you wish to use Dealer Billing for the non-subscription items, please complete the Online Viewing Subscription transaction separately.